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- Leicester Mistress Scarlett Black
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I am repeatedly asked if I will do online sessions for those who cannot travel to see me or wish to play online only.
the simple answer to this is yes , but my time is not Gratis , I am more than happy to discuss your naughty little fantasies on the telephone- Skype or FaceTime .
my tribute for these are as follows , please not I do not accept amazon gift cards for my online services , you can of course spoil me from my amazon wish list but they will not go towards payments for online sessions.
I take payments via bank transfer this is safe and easy to do.
telephone domination is £2.50 per minute , minimum of 15 minutes .
skype video call is £4 a minute minimum 10 minutes
facetime video is £4 a minute minimum 10 minute call.
so boys which fantasy shall we explore today ?
Msb 💋